Airbnb Providing a Safe Haven for Those Affected by Muslim Ban

In a time of true chaos and fear, there are companies in the United States that are desperately trying to show that we are not divided. Airbnb, a company where you can list and rent houses, condos, and apartments for a short period of time. CEO of Airbnb, Brian Chesky, expressed his concern for the recent “Muslim ban” by “[providing] free housing to refugees and anyone not allowed in the US. Stayed tuned for more, contact me if urgent need for housing” through Airbnb. 

The “Muslim ban” includes a 90 day period where refugees and citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries are banned from entering (and returning) to the United States. Families are now being separated, doctors are not allowed to come back home after a business trip, and most left with no place to go. That is what makes Airbnb so great. Brain Chesky is making an awful experience a little less awful.

It has been less than two weeks since Donald Trump took office… and it seems more unreal than ever. In the past twelve days, we have seen trump do surprising and not-so-surprising things. His first Twitter rant since being elected was directed towards the press and the supposed “false” claims that the crowd size at his inauguration was about half the size of former President Obama inauguration. This wasn’t so surprising.

In a promise to “make America great again”, may we remember why America was so great in the first place. People from all walks of life, coming together, to live united and free.

With all of the uncertainty of where this country is going, it is almost calming to know that there are big companies in the United States that believe in moving forward and taking a stand for what is right.